Friday, January 22, 2010

Still Waiting.....

I'm still waiting for my stuff.  See Me.  See Me waiting very patiently?

I did track my book order from Barnes & Noble.  I believe I should be getting those today.

I have no idea when my order from Sublime Stitching will be here.  I ordered it last Wed and it has now been ~foreva~ since then.  But they did send it out that Friday, the 15th, so it's been 7 days en route via snail mail.

Note to Self:  Order stuff from Sublime waaaaaay in advance.  Just because you fall in love with something on Monday, and order on Wednesday, does not mean that you will be able to stitch on Saturday.  Who would have thunk?

I think I've been spoiled by Fed Ex and UPS big-box-1-to-3-day-shipping.  My next order from Sublime will be for transfer paper and a stylus.  Because they do have their patterns available in pdf format.  And that rocks.  Because I will be able to arrange my designs using Adobe Photoshop, and then trace right on to the textile at hand, and that will be awesome.  And - no waiting!  But, alas, they are sold out right now.  Which is fine, really, 'cuz how much stuff do I really think I need to get started?!

But for now, I'm just waiting for my kit to arrive so that I can practice some stitches....

And for some books to drool pour over.  Hopefully I'll be able to pass an entire Saturday morning sipping coffee and daydreaming up some projects.  Even better would be if both orders arrive and I can get started with my stitchin'.