Thursday, February 25, 2010

Works in Progress

Okay, long time no post.  I have some works in progress, though I haven't posted anything new in a while.

I finished the first sampler, and felt an inexplicable pride.  I was very happy with my color choices, and that I was able to learn the stitches and finish it in about one week.  It is not perfect, of course, but that's not what this is supposed to be about anyway.

It's about creating.  A creative outlet for me that I can do at home or carry anywhere else with me.  It's about adding that little something extra to our white kitchen towels.  It's about giving hand made gifts.

After that, I started on the second sampler, which I am very happy with.  I've learned a couple of new techniques.  Splitting the floss.  What a huge difference this can make in your stitches!  Blending floss.  Oh, how I love this effect.

Apparently, it is Very Important to get dark, uniform lines when transferring.  I thought at the time that it would be okay, even though they were slightly lighter, I thought I could make it work.  Except!  That now I can't see those little x-x-x's for the cross stitches, which I would just eyeball, but a) I'm not much for eyeballing things, and b) with the left side mirroring those same x-x-x's it will be obvious and ruin all my hard work and my beautiful sampler.  So, I've decided to put that aside until I can figure out a way to transfer the pattern directly over top of where the old transfer.  A light box would come in handy.  Hubs tried to help me transfer using or shoji lamp, but the fabric lampshade did not lend itself well.  We've derided to try it on a sunny day over a window with sunlight exposure.

Which left me with nothing to stitch.


So, I got out some new towels.  And set out to make some new transfers.  I love each and every one of them.

The Eyes.

The Fan Dancer.

The Fairy.

Tweeny's bird cage and curious kitty.  She did not much care for her sampler.  But, I thought she may have more interest in her own design.  She did like the idea of stitching, but didn't get very far.

We also got some more floss colors specifically for our new towel transfers.  I hope I finish one of these WIPs at some point.  Otherwise, I'm just doomed to a life of *oh look!  something new and shiny to stich!*  Which will just not be the same.....