Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Bitchin' Books

So for days I have been pinning over these incredible books by Jenny Hart at Sublime Stitching

To get started in any new hobby you need some sort of start-up cash.  I'm a little tight on the budget.  Actually, I'm just a little tight all together.  Spending money is not my idea of a good time.

But I am so in love with these books.  And I just know if I had them I could be well on my way to making great things.  There are so many patterns to choose from at Sublime Stitching and I love them all.  I can't very well buy them all right off the bat.  (What if....gasp!  I'm no good at this?)

Anyway, I can't stitch them all at the same time anyhow.

But I want those books, dammit.  And they are chock-full of awesome design transferable patterns!

And that's when it hit me.  I have two unused gift cards to Barnes & Noble!

I love to read.  Anyone who knows me knows that I love to read.  But I don't buy a lot of books.

1. I'm tight like that.

2. I never ever read the same book twice, so I use the library and friends' copies if I'm goin to read anything.

3. I'm a saver.  I save even my gift cards for a rainy day.  How sick is that?

Except!  Now is a rainy day!  I want those books and I'm going to Barnes & Nobles online to buy them right now!

......Just as soon as I grab my umbrellas.